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Exploration Learning Community Term Three Overview


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you have all had a wonderful midyear break. It is great to see all of the students settled back into the routines of school and invested in their learning.

Below is an outline of the curriculum and learning that will be taking place during Term Three.



This term in English students will continue to develop their understanding of rhyming, both hearing and producing words that rhyme. As well as working on onset and rime (e.g .c-at, h-at). During reading sessions students will be working on strategies to comprehend a text they have read in order to answer questions about the text. Students will be exploring Indigenous stories to develop an understanding of the culture of Indigenous peoples’ culture.

During Writing this term, students will continue to develop their handwriting skills by writing grammatically correct simple sentences, with punctuation. They will also continue to develop strategies to record the phonemes (sounds) they hear in words. This term, students will be introduced to the, ‘Bump It Up Wall’, to assist students visually to develop their writing skills.


Thing that you can do at home to support your child:

  • Continue to read with your child each night and ask questions about the book.
  • Please remember to sign the reader diary each time you have read with your child.
  • Continue to work on alphabet identification/sounds/high frequency words



In Term Three we will be learning to use a range of practical strategies for adding and subtracting small groups of numbers, such as visual displays or concrete materials. We will be learning to recognise Australian coins and will be using money in a play shop, role-play scenario. Embedded each week will be number development, where students will continue to build reading, writing and making quantities. Students will be introduced to length and use a range of everyday materials to identify and use the language associated with length such as longer and shorter.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

  • Counting (could even be songs and videos) or (counting objects around the house), counting backwards
  • Practise writing numbers
  • Talk about money when going to the shops or making purchases



During Term Three, students will be exploring materials and their properties. This will be a hands-on unit, where students will develop language to describe materials and work with materials the properties and uses. To support students with their learning, we will be holding an incursion, through ‘Hands on Science.’ in Week Three. The second part of the term, we will explore living and non-living things. This will build on what students have learned in science in semester one.



In Term Three, we will be getting to know the Bible and exploring events, characters and messages in the Old and New Testament. They will explore the story of Creation. Students will also be learning about St Lawrence of Brindisi and we will be celebrating his Feast Day on 21 July.

Important Dates

  • July 21 St Lawrence Feast Day
  • July 28 Grandparents Day
  • July 28 Hands on Science Incursion
  • 4 August 100th Day of Exploration
  • August 21 – 25 Book Week

We look forward to having a wonderful term.


Exploration Learning Community Team

Helen Saunders –

Annabelle Zekic –

Renee Clapton –


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