News & Events

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It has been wonderful to see how well the Curiosity Grade Three children have settled into the learning community over the past week.

Below is an outline of the curriculum that we will be covering this term.


This term, in English we will be exploring the features of fiction and non-fiction texts. We will be exploring a range of different strategies so that students can make connections with and between texts. Students will also be looking at how to make inferences whilst reading by using their prior knowledge and clues from the text.

In Writing, students will be exposed to a range of different genres including book reviews, recounts, narratives and persuasive texts. We will also be looking at ‘Snapshot Writing’. This is where students will be given an image of a past event and they will need to describe it using their five senses.


In Term One, we will be looking at the importance of Place Value. We are also looking to recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands. In the lead-up to our camp at Sovereign Hill camp, students will be investigating mapping – i.e., different features of a map, how to interpret a map, and identifying key locations on a map.


During our Investigations this term we will be exploring the big question, ‘What keeps us safe and helps build a strong community?’ Students will explore different communities they belong to (i.e. school, family, social) and what it means to be a part of a community. Working together, students will develop a set of expectations that will keep us all safe and happy as part of the Curiosity Learning community and the wider Saint Lawrence of Brindisi community.


In Term One, students will be exploring Prayer. Each classroom will create a classroom prayer and revisit common prayers such as The Our Father, The Hail Mary and The Glory Be. We will also discuss reasons for why people pray and why this is important for people of faith. In the lead up to Easter, students will investigate the season of Lent with a focus on the Stations of the Cross.

TCL Auslan

In Term One, the students will be revisiting greetings with a focus on using greeting signs with the correct handshape to form familiar greetings. Students will be signing greetings and responding to greetings asked by their peers, and understanding the difference between communicating to an individual or a group. We will be focusing on the importance of facial expressions and body language to assist with communicating in Auslan.

We look forward to having a wonderful term.

Melanie Allen, Jenny Tran and Jay Russell

Year 3 Curiosity Learning Community

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