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The season of Advent begins this Sunday and continues through the four Sundays of Advent and ends on Christmas Eve. The first week of Advent focuses on the return of the Lord; the following weeks focus more specifically on the anticipation of the birth of Jesus. Rather than simply commemorating a historical event, Advent is a time of preparing our hearts to ‘receive’ Jesus into the world each year. Advent is traditionally marked by the colour of violet – the same colour as used in Lent. In recent years, some parishes have moved to a more blue/mauve colour for Advent to try to distinguish it from the season of Lent.

By Greg Sunter:


Prayer for the first week of Advent:

O Lord, as we enter this season of Advent, this time of waiting and anticipation, fill me with the hope of Christ. Help me to wait in great expectation for your great light to shine in this world, for all who are living in darkness to see the dawning of your light. This world can be so dark, so troubling, so full of despair, yet you are light and love. May your light fill all the darkest corners of this world and all the darkest corners of my own heart. May your love conquer all despair and hate, leading us all to a better life in you. This is the hope of Christmas, that the birth of a baby – Jesus Christ, your Son – will change the world, and will work a change in my own life. Lord, I pray to be filled with this hope that light will triumph over darkness, love will conquer evil, and Jesus will save us all. This I pray through your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

By Kathryn Shirey:

Advent Week 2:

The Second Week of Advent:Each advent candle has some special meaning behind it and presents an opportunity to think about
the Christmas season in a new way. The second week of Advent takes us from thinking about hope to a
related idea – peace – something we all need to think more about.
A Prayer for Peace:
Dear Jesus, you entered our world on Christmas as the Prince of Peace. This Advent, as we strive to
become the-best-version-of-ourselves, fill us with a deep and abiding peace. Help us share that peace
with everyone we encounter, especially those who need it most.


Advent Week 3:

The Third Week of Advent:

Rejoice! This third week focuses our intention on joy. Joy is a very real and deep happiness that is rooted in faith and trust. In this third week of Advent, we pause and reflect on the first half of the season, as well as look ahead to the last weeks. The joy that we have and will experience during this season magnifies as we continue to prepare for the coming of Christ, who is full of joy.


Prayer for the third week of Advent:

As we draw near to you, Lord God, keep us aware of your presence in all we do. Come with power to enlighten us by your grace, that we may live in praise and joy all our days.


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