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Discovery Learning Community Term 3 Overview

This Term in Literacy, the Discovery community will be exploring and making text to self, text to text and text to world connections. They will make inferences about how different characters are feeling. The students will explore different vocabulary and ask questions to clarify their understanding while reading. The students will also compare the similarities and differences between different types of texts when reading. In Writing, the students will write procedural texts and letters. They will also create and perform poems, chants, and rhymes.

At home you can support your child by:

  • listening to them read from a range of different sources.
  • asking your child to make a connection with what they have read and their own experiences.
  • encouraging your child to ask questions about places they visit on the weekends.


During Term Four, in Auslan students will use signs to communicate with others. The students will show verbs by mimicking the action and showing how you would hold or move something. They will show the shapes of objects by tracing around them, and they will identify things that are valued by Deaf people.

At home you can support your child by:

  • encourage your child to sign to you.
  • ask them to teach you a new sign they learnt that week.


In Mathematics, during Term Four, the students will explore Chance and the likelihood of an event occurring. Students will also investigate different Measurements such as, Length, Area and Mass. They will explore the multiplication process and create drawings that represent this.

At home you can support your child by:

  • posing different scenarios and asking them the likelihood of this happening for example it willrain hamburgers (impossible).
  • comparing the length and weight of items around the home.
  • Posing simple multiplication problems and have them create a drawing to match for example3x2=3groupsof2=** ** **


In Investigations this term we will be engaging in the Design Process by exploring a range of materials used for different purposes. The excursion to Legoland will tune the students into this process. Students will plan, design, and build various projects. They will reflect on the effectiveness of their design by evaluating their success.

At home you can support your child by:

  • discussing the materials used to create different items within your home.
  • having conversations about how the designs of different objects have changed over time forexample what a phone looked like in the past compared to today.


Throughout Term Four in Religious Education the students will learn about Mary and her connection with the Rosary. The student’s will be exposed to a variety of stories from the New and Old Testament in the Bible, and they will explore different images of God and his people. The students will learn about Reconciliation and what it means to forgive. They will make connections to stories of forgiveness, demonstrating their awareness of Jesus and his love for others. They will develop an understanding about the meaning of Advent and Christmas and its connection to the birth of Jesus.

At home you can support your child by:

• sharing a set of Rosary beads with your child and praying the Rosary.
• encouraging your child to talk about the images of God as they are presented in the Bible.


If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. We have provided emails below and will endeavour to respond between 8.30am and 3.30pm on school days.


Grace Barrowcliffe, Kandi Barrowcliffe, Courtnye Daly, Sarah Pace, Skylah Ball, Kaye MacKinnon

Discovery Learning Community Team

Discovery 1 (Grace):
Discovery 2 (Kandi):
Discovery 3 (Courtney):
Discovery 4 (Skylah & Sarah): and

Discovery 5 (Kaye):

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