Welcome to Term Four, 2024.
In English this term, the Discovery Grade 2 Learning Community will focus on expanding vocabulary and
knowledge of topic-specific language to support student learning while investigating. The students will
revisit sentence structure and the different types of sentences, making them more descriptive and
adding punctuation.
They will have the opportunity to apply this to creating and presenting the life cycles of animals. They
will explore the Author’s purpose for writing texts and their points of view on topics. The students will
identify character actions, reactions, visual representations, speech and thoughts through comics. They
will apply this knowledge when creating their comic strips. Students will also experiment with different
ways to share opinions and disagree respectfully with others.
At home, you can support your child by:
- ● encouraging your child when writing at home to have a go at writing simple and compound
sentences in their texts.
● reading with your child aloud and ensuring that they are reading with fluency and expression
and understanding what they have read by asking them simple questions.
● ensuring readers are brought to school twice a week to be changed (they may receive the same
text, at times, as we continue to expand our resources).
In Mathematics this term, we will explore the areas of Number and Space. In Number, we will multiply
and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays and partitioning to
support a variety of calculation strategies. In Space, we will locate positions in two-dimensional models
of a familiar space and move positions by following directions and pathways.
At home, you can support your child by:
- ● understanding the visual representations of multiplication and division problems such as 4×2 is 4
groups of 2 objects, rather than reciting multiplication tables.
● using the terminology of right and left.
● using the terminology of turns such as ¼ turn clockwise or ¾ turn counter-clockwise.
When Investigating this term, we will explore Science in our unit, ‘Circle of Life’. We will investigate how
living things grow and change throughout their life cycles. We will focus on the variety of features living
things have and the environments they live in. Students will investigate the basic needs and shelters that
living things need in order to survive.
Later in the term we will explore our topic ‘Out and About’. Students will investigate physical activities in
the local community and places in the local community that foster health and fitness.
At home, you can support your child by:
- ● discussing the different life cycles of living things
● engaging in conversations about different animals and their habitats
● talk about the places that you as a family visit for health and fitness
Throughout Term Four, in Religious Education the students will learn about Mary and her connection
with the Rosary. The student’s will be exposed to a variety of stories from the New and Old
Testament in the Bible and they will explore different images of God and his people.
The students will learn about Reconciliation and what it means to forgive. They will make connections
to stories of forgiveness, demonstrating their awareness of Jesus and his love for others. They will
develop an understanding about the meaning of Advent and Christmas and its connection to the
birth of Jesus.
At home you can support your child by:
- ● sharing a set of Rosary beads with your child and praying the Rosary.
● encouraging your child to talk about the images of God as they are presented in the Bible.
If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. We have provided emails below
and will endeavour to respond between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm on school days.
Discovery Grade Two learning Community Team
Discovery 4 (Kandi): kandi.barrowcliffe@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au
Discovery 5 (Rachel): rachel.wilson@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au
Discovery 6 (Jessica): jessica.minniti@slweirviews.catholic.edu.au