Term 3 Week 7 Bulletin
Dear Parents & Guardians
Yesterday, we were fortunate to have the Director of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS), Dr Edward Simon, come to visit our school. With over 290 Catholic Primary Schools in Melbourne, not to mention the Catholic Colleges, it is rare for schools to get a visit from the Director. It goes to show that the leadership at MACS is deeply interested in what is happening in Catholic schools across Melbourne.
I was really proud to show our school to Dr Simons, and it was clear that he left school with a really positive impression about what, as a school community, we have managed to achieve in the short time we have been open. Showing Ed our children present the welcome to country and sing the school song in Auslan was a moment I will treasure. It is an example of how much your children have learnt since starting in our school.
On another note, thank you to all our families who have actively supported Book Week this week. I am sure you will agree that has been a real success and a highlight for our children.
A reminder that the change to the school day and our dismissal procedures at the end of the school will take effect from next Monday, August 28. If you did not read the information that was sent out, it is important that you have read this information and are aware of these new changes.
Please remember, that if you are collecting your child from the classroom door, you need to be there by 3.05pm and collect your child as soon as the bell sounds at 3.10pm as the class teachers will no longer be supervising the collection of children until 3.30pm. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment to meet with them at a convenient time.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the administration team or speak to me.
We will be celebrating all our amazing dad’s, granddads and special friends on Friday, September 1, with a special Father’s Day breakfast from 7.30am. Following breakfast, our dad’s will have an opportunity to see their children start the school day, however, we will be concluding this celebration by 9.30am so that we can start our busy school day for our children. I hope lots of our dads can come!
As a school, we want to keep building ways that we can communicate effectively with our school community. It is really helpful and important to build the knowledge within our parent and guardian community on how learning and teaching looks and works in how school and how our teachers nurture and support the needs of the children in their classrooms. One of the most effective ways we can build this understanding within our parent and guardian community is through Learning Walks; the opportunity for parents and guardians to come to school and see the learning and teaching in action.
Some of our parents will have taken the opportunity to engage in one of these Learning Walks with School Engagement consultant, Tony Dalton and our Deputy Principal, Caroline, last year. We are keen to offer this opportunity again this year, and have consequently organised Learning Walks for parents and guardians on Tuesday, September 12 (the last week of Term Three). If you are interested in attending, please let me or the administration team know. More information on booking your attendance will be sent out to parents & guardians soon.
As school, we continue to work really hard to build a partnership with our parents and guardians and ensure that we provide opportunities to be actively engaged in the life of the school. As I have said many times, the more the parents and guardians are engaged in the school, the better the results for the children. The engagement of our parents and guardians is something that is hallmark of our school and I can honestly say, I never worked in a school with such an amazing group of parents.
With this in mind, we are always looking for parents and guardians who would like to be part of our School Advisory Council or School Community Team. This is particularly important at the moment, as they are working on some really vital initiatives and getting the input from engaged parents and guardians would be really helpful. Please let me know if you are interested.
God bless,
Bill Hill.