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Exploration Learning Community Term Four Overview

Dear Exploration families,
Welcome back to Term Four. It has been so nice to see the students settle back into the school
routines. Students are excited about what they will learn this term.
Below is an outline of the curriculum that will be covered over Term Four.

This term in English students will continue to explore phonological awareness themes such as
rhyming words, and syllables, splitting words into sounds and identifying the beginning and ending
sounds in words. This learning will support students in word understanding and help to develop their
reading and writing skills. Students will also consolidate their understanding of reading strategies
including identifying high-frequency words, using the first sound, looking through the word and
talking about a text after reading. We will focus on vocabulary where students will be challenged to
discuss the meaning of words they have read in a text.
Furthermore, students will continue engaging with a range of nonfiction texts connected to our
Investigations unit ‘Happy and Healthy.’ Students will identify the features of nonfiction texts and
explain how they help us when reading. They will retell the facts they have learnt from a text. In Term
four students will focus on letter formation and writing on the lines. We will continue to develop our
bank of known high-frequency words and practise spelling them correctly. Students will explore using
punctuation at the end of their sentences.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:
● Incidentally, talk about rhyming words or words that rhyme
● Practise reading and writing high-frequency words (sent out via Seesaw)
● Reading books together and asking your child to tell you about the story/ shared book
● Practising writing letters on lines

In Term Three students will be naming, representing and ordering numbers, including zero to at least
twenty, using physical and virtual manipulatives. Students will begin practising equal sharing of
collections of up to ten objects, which will represent practical situations to model sharing.
Furthermore, Students will explore the capacity of a variety of different objects and will sort, name,
and create a variety of different three-dimensional shapes.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:
● Representing and ordering numbers moving towards 20 and beyond.

● Practice writing numbers up to 20 and beyond.
● Practising sharing collections of objects up to ten and beyond.
● Explore the capacity of various everyday objects throughout their everyday lives.
● Name and explore three-dimensional objects as you come across them.

Throughout our Investigations unit, ‘Happy and Healthy’ students will be engaged in a range of
learning activities relating to healthy eating such as ‘always’ and ‘sometimes’ foods, parts of the
body, the different senses, and things that keep us healthy and safe as well as focusing on teamwork
and building resilience. As a part of this unit, we will go on an excursion to Go Climb where students
will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience rock climbing and building their resilience
which will be beneficial for them moving into Grade One next year.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:
● Explore ‘always’ and ‘sometimes’ foods by involving your child in packing their lunches
and grocery shopping.
● Talking about how we can be safe at home and school
● Sharing with your child people in your family and the community that can keep them safe
● Encouraging your child to be resilient when faced with tough tasks.

In Religion, this term we will celebrate the month of Mary in October. Students will engage in stories
of Mary and share how she is an important person in God’s Family. We will explore scripture stories
from the Old Testament including stories of Noah, Moses and David and Goliath. Together as a class,
we will talk about the messages of these stories and how we can be like this every day. Towards the
end of the term, students will celebrate Christmas through their learning of the story of the birth of
Jesus. We will learn two songs to perform at our Christmas Carols on the 26th of November.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:
● Talk to your child about how we can show fairness, sharing and compassion at home and at
● Discuss celebrations and traditions in your family

Take home Readers
Reading folders will continue to be sent home once a week only. Each Monday students have the
opportunity to change their books for the coming week. Students will be sent home with two texts
each week. Please ensure the diaries are signed when your child has read; if there are any messages
for your classroom teacher. If you have any questions about these please ask one of the Exploration
teachers. High-frequency words will be assessed each week with your child. Please keep an eye out
on Seesaw for updated high-frequency word lists for your child.

Communicating with your teacher
The best times to speak with the teacher are before and after school. If there is a discussion that will
take more time, please communicate with the teacher to make time to sit down and speak together.

If you are unable to see the classroom teacher face to face, you can email them directly, emails are
below. Seesaw is a valuable tool we use to share your child’s learning with you.

We look forward to another great term of learning in Exploration.

Regards,Exploration Learning Community Team

Skylah Ball Exploration 1

Renee Clapton Exploration 2

Grace Barrowcliffe Exploration 3

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