News & Events

Dear Exploration families,

It has been so wonderful to see all of the Exploration students settle into school so well. The students have been developing their friendships within the classrooms and also, reconnecting with friends from kinder outside in the yard.

We remind parents that students will commence their full-time week as of the week beginning March 6. Below is an outline of the curriculum that will be covered over Term One.


This term in English students will be exploring the features of a book. We will be looking at the features of the book including identifying the front cover, title, author and illustrator. Students will explore prediction and how to predict what we think the books will be about, by using clues such as the picture on the front cover and the title.

A big focus this term will be on developing the children’s knowledge of the alphabet, including identifying the letters of both uppercase letters and lowercase letters as well as the sounds these letters make. Students will be learning to write and identify their names in the correct form, using a capital letter for only the first letter and then lowercase letters after this.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

●Practise writing their own name
● Practise identifying the letters of the alphabet, also the sounds of each letter
● Reading books together and asking your child to tell you about the story/ shared book


In Term One students will be practising counting forwards in order as well as reading and writing numbers. During Maths sessions, students will explore a range of counting strategies to help them find the total amount. Shape will be another unit that will be explored during this term and the students will be introduced to 2D shapes. This will help students when we move into patterns later on during the term to use a range of 2D shapes to make patterns as well as a range of other materials. Both shapes and patterns will use a range of teaching strategies and students will be encouraged to identify shapes and patterns in our everyday world. Through developmental play scenarios, the students will be able to explore financial understanding during the money unit.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

●  Counting (could even be songs and videos) or (counting objects around the house)

●  Practise writing numbers

●  Finding 2D shapes around the house

●  Creating patterns with toys or everyday item.


In Investigations this term we are learning about the theme of ‘Self’. Learning about each other through names, likes and dislikes. Sharing with each other who is in our families and the people we love. The Exploration students will be identifying and describing emotions. Developing their social skills and exploring the qualities of what makes a good friend. The students will be engaging in language experiences that will encourage them to communicate with peers using full sentences.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

●  Talk about likes and dislikes

●  Identify and talk about emotions

●  Discuss what makes a good friend and show this at home eg. by being kind, using nice words, sharing

●  Encourage your child to speak in a full sentence e.g. “Open” becomes “Can you please open this for me?”



In Religion, students are introduced to the prayer table, who is Jesus, church and the cross. Together as a class students will develop a morning prayer and eating prayer. These will be practised every day while also practising the sign of the cross. Towards the end of the term, students will be introduced to Lent and Easter. We look forward to having a wonderful term.

Things that you can do at home to support your child:

●  Ask your child what they are grateful for

●  Have your child tell you an act of kindness they did for the day


Communicating with your teacher

The best times to speak with the teacher are before and after school. If there is a discussion that will take more time, please speak with the teacher to make time to sit down and speak together. Seesaw codes will be sent home so that you will be able to see work they are completing in the class. If you are unable to see the classroom teacher face to face, you can email them directly, emails are below.


Skylah Ball Exploration


Renee Clapton Exploration 2


Grace Barrowcliffe Exploration 3



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