News & Events

Save the date!!!  Book Week 2023


Book Week 2023 will be held between 21 – 24 August 2023 and we have lots of exciting events planned for the week.


Monday 21 August:  Author visit. 

We have Zeno Sworder visiting our school to talk to the students about reading and writing. Students have the opportunity to pre-purchase his books and the books can be signed by Zeno during his visit. To order go to: and select “Buy our Author’s Books”.  All orders must be received by 7th August.


Tuesday 22 August: Dress Up Day

Students are invited to dress up as their favourite book character and a parade will be held at 2.45pm


Thursday 24 August: Learning Expo

The school will be open in the afternoon for parents and guardians to come and see our amazing work. 

2.30pm Exploration

2.45pm Discovery

3pm Curiosity and Challenge


Monday 21 through to Thursday 24 August.  Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be available from 3.15 to 3.45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A leaflet with additional information including details of a pre-purchase option will be sent out the week before Book Week.


We are looking for Book Fair Volunteers to help man the Fair from 3.15 to 3.45pm. Volunteers are required to have a current Working With Children Check.  Please let Helen Saunders (Exploration 1) know if you are interested and available to help.

Thank you.


It is going to be an absolutely amazing week!!

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