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Dear Parents and Guardians,

 I am writing to provide you with details of changes in tuition fees for the 2025 academic year.

Any decision to adjust tuition fees is never made lightly nor without careful and thorough consideration of our student’s needs and our school’s capacity to provide an education experience that supports every student to flourish.  We are also cognisant of the financial pressures that many families have experienced this year.

St Lawrence of Brindisi, too, is facing increasing costs in multiple areas of school operations, including WorkCover premiums, Child Safety compliance, risk management, teacher resources and professional learning, and higher central system costs.

Our tuition fees at St Lawrence of Brindisi are also influenced by the Commonwealth Department of Education’s calculation of our community’s ability to financially contribute to the operating costs of our school, known as the Capacity to Contribute, or CTC, which is reviewed annually.

School funding is complex, so I have included with this letter a simple school funding ‘explainer’, which I hope will support your understanding of how the government funds Catholic (and other non-government) schools and how tuition fees support our school.

To ensure that we can continue to deliver a personalised, high-quality education that is responsive to the diverse interests and academic, social and emotional needs of our students, it is necessary to adjust our fees in 2025. These fees have been ratified by the School Advisory Council as per Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) requirements.

This is an increase of $315.00 – or $7.69 per week (based on 41 school weeks) – on 2024 fees.

Families who have a Health Care Card and are entitled to a rebate on their fees will need to complete a direct debit form and a CSEF and Concessional Fee application form (attached). Any such request should be made to our Bursar/Administration Manager, Emma Daniels and will be treated in the strictest confidence. Please note that there is a deadline for fee assistance each year, (usually around the second last week of Term Two) and applications cannot be lodged after this time. All applications are at the discretion of the principal.

If the payment of fees is an issue of concern for any parents or guardians, an appointment should be made to speak with the principal. Again, this discussion will be treated in the strictest confidence. We endeavour to provide as much to families as possible in the payment of fees, however, the payment of fees is an obligation to which all parents and guardians agreed when completing their enrolment application.

We respectfully request that you do not leave the payment of outstanding fees until the end of the school year, as this can mean we have to communicate with families regarding unpaid fees before Christmas. We are required by MACS to communicate with families regarding any unpaid fees.

All families need to nominate, complete, and return the details of ONE of the following options on how they will pay their school fees and levies:

  • Direct Debit Request – Bank Account or Credit Card (School’s preferred option)

This direct debit agreement will remain in force during your time with St Lawrence of Brindisi Catholic Primary School and/or until your fees have been paid in full unless otherwise rescinded in writing.  Please note as fees change, usually annually, the direct debit amounts will be adjusted accordingly.

  • EFTPOS/Bank Transfer

If you have any questions regarding fees, please contact Emma or make an appointment to meet with me to discuss these matters.


Thank you for your understanding.  I am grateful for your ongoing support and trust in our school.


Yours sincerely,

Bill Hill



Please return your signed preferred option by Thursday, November 28, 2024.

 School Agreement Form 2025
Option 1: Direct Debit from Bank Account Request (recommended payment option)

 Direct Debit Options


Total of 20 fortnight’s – due every 2nd Wednesday.

Commencing on: Wednesday, February 26, 2025.


Total of 9 Months – due on the 1st of each month.
Commencing: Saturday, March 1, 2025, and finishing on Saturday, November 1, 2025.


Total of 4 term payments – due and payable on the 5th Thursday of Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4.

27/02/2025, 22/05/2025, 21/08/2025 & 06/11/2025.


One Annual Payment is due and payable on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.

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